Strengthens the eyesight, and maintains its integrity. Strengthens blood, where people with anemia are advised to take it. Increases immune activity and disease resistance. Reduces the chance of prostate cancer. Activates the work of internal organs in the body such as kidneys, liver and spleen. Energizes the body, and reduces the cases of fatigue and depression. Increases strength and intensity of hair, and gives it softness and shine. Reduces acne and skin problems. Increases the strength of the heart, apricots provide the body with vitamins, potassium and fiber that maintain the integrity of the heart, it treats high blood pressure, maintains the level of cholesterol in the blood, and prevents clots and strokes. It treats anemia, because it contains iron and copper. Softens stomach and intestines, protects against chronic constipation, and facilitates digestion. Apricot fights various skin problems. It fights cracking, wrinkles and shrinkage by making a paste of mashed apricots, and applying it to the skin, neck and hands. Leave it for at least half an hour, then wash the skin with lukewarm water, because it contains vitamin A, Enter into the manufacture of creams and cosmetics. It helps in pregnancy, because it contains vitamin A, which is useful for pregnancy and pregnancy. It fights infectious diseases and limits their spread, because it contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system greatly. Colon relaxes. Maintains blood vessels, and protects against blood diseases. Contains very low calories, a good source of fiber, antioxidants and minerals. Apricots fight viruses and parasites that infect the human body, limiting their spread.
Strengthens the eyesight, and maintains its integrity. Strengthens blood, where people with anemia are advised to take it. Increases immune activity and disease resistance. Reduces the chance of prostate cancer. Activates the work of internal organs in the body such as kidneys, liver and spleen. Energizes the body, and reduces the cases of fatigue and depression. Increases strength and intensity of hair, and gives it softness and shine. Reduces acne and skin problems. Increases the strength of the heart, apricots provide the body with vitamins, potassium and fiber that maintain the integrity of the heart, it treats high blood pressure, maintains the level of cholesterol in the blood, and prevents clots and strokes. It treats anemia, because it contains iron and copper. Softens stomach and intestines, protects against chronic constipation, and facilitates digestion. Apricot fights various skin problems. It fights cracking, wrinkles and shrinkage by making a paste of mashed apricots, and applying it to the skin, neck and hands. Leave it for at least half an hour, then wash the skin with lukewarm water, because it contains vitamin A, Enter into the manufacture of creams and cosmetics. It helps in pregnancy, because it contains vitamin A, which is useful for pregnancy and pregnancy. It fights infectious diseases and limits their spread, because it contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system greatly. Colon relaxes. Maintains blood vessels, and protects against blood diseases. Contains very low calories, a good source of fiber, antioxidants and minerals. Apricots fight viruses and parasites that infect the human body, limiting their spread.
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