Benefits of grapes The intake of different types of vegetables and fruits is closely related to reduce heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases, and found many studies that increase the consumption of food with plant sources, such as: grapes can reduce the risk of obesity and related diseases, and contains Grape contains several components that make it more important than others for our health, which has been called super food. However, more research is needed to prove the various benefits of grapes. [1] Grape Benefits of Cancer Grape contains a antagonist A powerful oxidation known as phenols, which slow down or prevent several types of cancer, including liver cancer, stomach, skin, breast, blood and lymphoma. [1] Benefits of Grape Heart Disease According to a study of animals, (Quercetin) in grapes, a type of flavonide which is a natural anti-inflammatory, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, protects against damage caused by LDL, and it is believed that kercytin has an additional anti-carcinogenic effect. This effect still needs studies [1] The high content of phenols in grapes also reduces cardiovascular disease (CVD) by preventing plaque reconstruction and reducing blood pressure through anti-inflammatory mechanisms. As for grape content, Potassium, and fiber, they also increase heart health. The best thing one can do to keep his heart healthy is to change his diet to increase consumption of potassium-containing food and reduce sodium-containing food. According to one study, people who consumed 4069 mg of potassium daily, Kano Are less likely to die from ischemic heart disease (49%) than those who consumed less than 1000 mg per day. The increase in potassium intake is not associated with cardiovascular disease alone every day, but reduces The risk of clots, protects against loss of muscle mass, maintains bone mineral density, and reduces the formation of kidney stones. [1] [4] Benefits of Grapes for Hypertension As noted above, potassium has several positive effects on the health of the body, Means that the consumption of a small amount of potassium is common Increases the risk of high blood pressure just as an increase in consumption of sodium, and therefore it is recommended to treat grapes for patients with blood pressure because of the impact in the repair of damage caused by increased sodium in the body, it is worth mentioning that, according to a survey conducted by the National Institute of Health and Nutrition Examination , Less than 2% of adults in America took the recommended amount of potassium per day, which means that most people do not take enough potassium. [1] [4] Benefits of grapes for constipation Grape contains the fiber necessary to reduce constipation, Great content The use of grapes and other fruits that contain a large amount of water such as watermelon, melon helps keep the body moist, and keeps the bowel movement normal. [1] Benefits of Grape Allergy Due to the effect of anti-inflammatory kercytin, grapes can help relieve allergic symptoms Including the runny nose, eyes and chills, but there are no human studies to prove this theory yet. [1] Benefits of Grapes for Diabetes A cohort study published in the British Medical Journal in 2013 found that eating some fruit Fruits (not juice) reduce the risk of allergies Type II diabetes in adults During the study period, 6.5% of participants in the study were diabetic. The researchers found that consuming 3 servings of grapes, cranberries, raisins, apples or pears reduces The risk of type 2 diabetes is 7%. [1] Benefits of grape for diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy Some studies have indicated that resveratrol in grapes may protect against diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy, The experience of this compound on animals did not The researchers have also found that resveratrol may be beneficial in treating Alzheimer's disease, relieving hot flashes, mood swings associated with menopause, and also helps regulate blood sugar level, but studies are still needed on a large sample of humans to confirm these Results. [1]
Salmiya herb or materi marmia is a perennial aromatic herb, which since ancient times has been known for its green leafy color, which tends to gray and is spread in the Mediterranean basin and in the mountainous places, and it has several other names such as Eizakan, Chiala, Softa, Gughas, Quwaisia. It contains aromatic oils that have the scent of camphor. They are mint and basil and have many health benefits because they contain a low amount of cholesterol. It is also a source of vitamin C, E, copper and thiamine. It also contains a large percentage of dietary fiber, calcium, folate, iron and magnesium. Each 100 grams of Salmiya contains about 6.3 calories and many important chemicals active in salty oil such as Thagons, Alfa, Camphor, Beta and Rosmarin. These substances are responsible for most of the benefits of healthy grass. They are used in the manufacture of medicines and help their leaves to calm inflammation and ulcers. It helps in the treatment of diarrhea, bloating, intes...
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