Benefits of Onion Medical
1 - improve skin color and red face. It maintains the skin and works to open the pores of the body.
2. Pacemaker organizer.
3 - strengthens the stomach.
4 - if he is boiled in water and eat cut cough and rough chest and yellow.
5- The urine is produced when it is submerged in the bladder by cutting the onions round pieces, or heats and heats a light heat and is used for stabbing above the chest to treat pertussis and above the chest and back to treat pneumonia. And above the position of the kidneys and bladder to address the obstruction of urine. And around the neck and above the throat to treat inflammation of the tonsils and the disappearance of sound (Baha). And behind the ear to extract pus from inside. And above and below the toes to treat congestion.
6 - softens nature (diarrhea).
7- Appetizer.
8. Menstruation.
9 - cut nosebleed (nose).
10 - strengthen the hair follicles and scalp with onion juice.
11 - tonic for blood circulation.
12 - Eating boiled before sleeping, remove anxiety and tension.
13. Strengthens the heart.
14 - tonic for the uterus
15. Cut off vomiting
16 - If it is taken with honey in equal quantities benefit from poor eyesight and eye ulcer and exposure to volatile oils antiseptic eye.
17 - If the water of onion (juice) in the ear benefit from the tinnitus and the flow of pus, and the weight of hearing, and water if he entered. Tinnitus treatment is recommended by placing a piece of cotton wet with onion juice inside, leaving it for 12 hours and changing morning and evening. This continues until healing.
18. It is useful to treat rheumatism by boiling several heads of dry onion without peeling for a quarter of an hour, then drink from this boiling water as much as one large cup in the morning on the stomach and another in the evening before bedtime.
19 - is used in the treatment of fungal infections, by doing the era of a large onion painted by the injured place and left to touch the skin for a quarter of an hour. Then put the foot in a warm bath.
20 - useful in cases of dizziness and fainting.
21. Diabetes and high blood pressure. By eating a medium-sized onion daily.
22 - facilitate digestion and expel gases and soften the intestines eating one medium onion.
23. Used to cleanse the intestines and mouth, human chewing of onions for three minutes is sufficient to kill all microbes to the point of sterilization.
24 - Wizard of diarrhea with egg yolk and coriander seeds. The intestinal worms are expelled in children by splitting onion slices in water throughout the night and filtered at morning and given with honey to the child until the worms are expelled.
25 - prevents angina.
26 - prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which reduces the incidence of atherosclerosis.
27 - activates liver and pancreas and helps to cure diabetes.
28 - soothing nerves.
29 - strength of the Bah - tonic for sex.
30. Increase semen.
31 - If you take the juice of onion and mixed with vinegar and painted the face removed freckles provided that sit after the face coating in the sun. As well as the removal of brown spots that occur as a result of liver diseases. The paint is twice a day on a continuous basis until stains disappear.
32 - If mixing onion juice with honey prevents diphtheria (shortness of breath)
33- If the onion juice is taken with salt, use the dog's bite (as a disinfectant for the wounds)
34. If inhaled (sniff) onion juice heals cold and flu (clean head).
35 - If you get rid of the disease of the fox removed and germinated hair quickly.
36 - opens the veins and hemorrhoids.
37 - works to clean the sticky lung.
38 - benefit from the pains of the legs, after a slight and then crushed with ghee or eggs and then put on the seat dressing.
39 - purifies the body of salts.
40 - treat cholera, if you take a hand grip of onion peel and then boiled with water until it becomes the color of tea and then let it soak for 10 minutes and then filtered and drank on several times Glory to God even the crust has an advantage, look at the wisdom of God and Bdai made.
41. Calo (toes) or toes are treated with a few slices of onion on top of them from evening to morning and repeated until the nail is removed in a hot water bath and soap. Warts easily disappear by dressing with slices of onions saturated with vinegar and fixing them over the warts.
42. Eczema is treated. If you have chopped a small onion and added a large tablespoon of vinegar concentrated in a cup then turn well and then paint the affected area several times until the healing is done, God Almighty used to clean the lice in children as follows: Mix a teaspoon of onion juice with a teaspoon of parsley juice with a quantity of sesame oil (Serge). The head is well rubbed in the mixture until the head is soaked and reaches the scalp. And the head of the sun. Repeat this process for several days to ensure complete elimination of the lice and eggs.
43. Helps break down kidney stones. Milk is given to the baby.
44. Treat pertussis and other pertussis with onions, by cooking onion slices in the plant sugar to make a syrup given to a large spoon every two hours.
45. Asthma attacks are treated by giving a teaspoon every three hours of the mixture of onion juice and honey in equal amounts.
46. Doctors recommend that the food of cancer patients should not be free of onions in all meals. The elimination of intestinal worms and poisons and the treatment of hemorrhoids are used to inject anal onions.
Boil half a medium onion for 3 minutes in a liter of water and then drain it into a lukewarm injection in the anus.
47 - The seed goes to the vitiligo.
Onion damage
Salmiya herb or materi marmia is a perennial aromatic herb, which since ancient times has been known for its green leafy color, which tends to gray and is spread in the Mediterranean basin and in the mountainous places, and it has several other names such as Eizakan, Chiala, Softa, Gughas, Quwaisia. It contains aromatic oils that have the scent of camphor. They are mint and basil and have many health benefits because they contain a low amount of cholesterol. It is also a source of vitamin C, E, copper and thiamine. It also contains a large percentage of dietary fiber, calcium, folate, iron and magnesium. Each 100 grams of Salmiya contains about 6.3 calories and many important chemicals active in salty oil such as Thagons, Alfa, Camphor, Beta and Rosmarin. These substances are responsible for most of the benefits of healthy grass. They are used in the manufacture of medicines and help their leaves to calm inflammation and ulcers. It helps in the treatment of diarrhea, bloating, intes...
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