The olive tree has long been known as a religious blessing tree. Health and beauty have found many benefits to human health and body cells. Here is the next article in which we will discuss the benefits of oil for health and body.
The benefits of oil for a healthy life!
Olive oil has long been known as the fruit tree oil, and our ancestors have used it since ancient times in many medical and health treatments. Nowadays, modern science has enhanced its various health and aesthetic benefits. If used properly, olive oil is one of the most essential monounsaturated fats for the human body. And its cells, which is one of the most important characteristic of the Mediterranean diet known health benefits of the various organs of the body.
The fat is one of the group of fats, which give a single ration of "small oil spoon" about 45 calories, and play useful fats and non-hydrogenated and mono essential role essential for the body's various vital processes, and should not be eliminated from our daily menu, including the benefits of unsaturated fats and benefits Oil for body:
- A rich source to supply the body with energy.
- Essential for the absorption and storage of lipid-soluble vitamins "A, D, E, K.".
- play an essential role in the various vital body processes and growth processes.
- A source of essential unsaturated fatty acids from linoleic acid and alpha linolenic.
Helps feel full.
- Reduce bad cholesterol and raise the rate of good.
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